Vina Pesic

VIDEO: Milena Lainović presents ,,The Secret Garden”

Montenegrin musician, composer and songwriter Milena Lainović, who works and lives in London released the song titled ,,The Secret Garden” and video for it.

She assembled a proven team.

– I am the the author of the lyrics and music, I played all the piano parts and sang the backing vocals, and Nick Van Gelder, as always, was perfect on drums and congas. HYPNOTYST, my friend and colleague from the joint dance project, was in charge of the arrangement and audio production. It's a real pleasure to collaborate with such musicians, as well as with my sister Jelena Bakić, she recorded the parts in which I am dancing and smiling, and Igor Bakić, to whom I entrusted the editing and video production this time as well – says Lainović for MNE magazin.

This wonderful song full of romance carries a special message and inspiration.

– Inspired by a fairytale garden, which I discovered two years ago in London, I wrote the soulful ballad ,,The Secret Garden” in one breath. Through the song, the hope is expressed to find and keep pure love, to unite two people in the Secret Garden emotionally, spiritually and mentally, and connect with nature and the cosmos – she points out.

Part of that Secret Garden in the video is also the town she was born in, Podgorica.
– All the footage for the video was shot with a smart phone in my beautiful Secret Garden in London and in Podgorica, when field flowers and other flowers bloom at the beginning of May. The colours and smells of nature always evoke beautiful emotions and memories, so I believed that the scenes shot in London and Podgorica could fit well and convey the essence of the song in the right way – Lainović explains to MNE magazin why it was crucial for her that Podgorica be part of this story.

,,The Secret Garden”, reveals Lainović, will soon be released in three remix versions, ,,songs musically and stylistically different from each other”.

– I hope that listeners will find their favourite genre in one of these versions – says Lainović.
