Vina Pesic

DOMINIC MILLER: I am coming to Montenegro as soon as you invite me

Dominic-Miller-telecasterTwo days ago guitarist Dominic Miller has returned home from four-months world tour with Sting and Paul Simon.

– The level of musicianship is the main attraction and playing some of the most influential songs of modern times with two icons – says Miller for MNE magazin.
He says that when he comes to a certain town he usually likes to relax, call his loved ones, do yoga and practice a bit.
– I'm not anywhere as a tourist. It takes up too much energy which I like to conserve for the concert – explains Miller.
This remarkable guitarist and co-author with Sting of the song ,,Shape of my heart” often finds inspiration for writing new songs on tour.
– Touring is not the best environment for writing but I did write the ,,Fifth House” album entirely in the road. I haven't written anything for my new album yet but have booked the time, studio and musicians anyway – Miller revealed.
While on tour promoting solo album ,,Ad hoc” last year, he had played in Ljubljana with Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and Massimo Savic.
– I would like to find the time to work with Massimo. We are working on it – our guest emphasized.
Twenty years have passed since the release of Miller’s debut solo album ,,First touch”. On Saturday, May 2nd, re-mastered edition of the album ,,First touch – 20th anniversary edition” will be released.
– ,,First Touch” has always been my fans’ favourite so I felt obliged to celebrate with them by re-releasing the album. I'm so happy with the result – says the distinguished guitarist.
On question if he would like to play in Montenegro, whether with Sting, solo or with Vlado Georgiev, with whom he had worked on the album ,,Daljina”, great guitarist responded:
– As soon as you invite me.

Photo: Private archive