CITIES IN 4K: This is what Kotor looks like through the camera of Amir Kulaglić (video)
8.04.2018. u 19:52
,,CITIES in 4K” is an intresting worldwide project. The idea behind this is to represent as many cities as possible in the newest 4K resolution. That´t not all. The footages will also be filmed in the popular time-lapse photography tehnique combined with standard 4K scenes. We believe that this is the best way to represent the cities and the life in it. The videos for CITIES in 4K will be realized using the newest eqipment and technologies.
– This is how Kotor came along – Amir Kulaglic, who filmed and edited this video says for MNE magazin.
Take a look at the Old town in Kotor through the beautiful 4K video that Kulaglic sent to our editorial board.
,,CITIES in 4K" je zanimljiv svjetski projekat. Ideja iza njega jeste da se predstavi što više gradova je moguće kroz najnoviju 4K rezoluciju. To nije sve. Snimaće se tajm-leps tehnikom u kombinaciji sa standardnim slikama u 4K rezoluciji. Vjerujemo da je to najbolji način da se prikažu gradovi i život…
Kompanija Samsung nedavno je lansirala novu liniju TV uređaja i soundbar zvučnika, uključujući Neo QLED 8K i 4K i OLED TV uređaje. U pitanju su televizori osnaženi AI (vještačkom inteligencijom) kojima se pomjeraju granice kućne zabave i prevazilazi tradicionalno iskustvo gledanja. U nastavku pročitajte šta nam to sve donose novi…
Winner of ,,Magnum Photos-EDF” Photography contest in 2015., Sacha Luisada from Paris, has sent us a video that he has made during his stay in Montenegro. - After weeks of work, I made a video about Montenegro. I thought that you might be interested in sharing it on your Facebook…