Porto Novi

DECEMBER 1ST IN DELTA CITY: International Diplomatic charity Christmas Bazaar

International Diplomatic charity Christmas Bazaar will be held for the tenth time in the shopping center Delta City on 1st of December, from 10 a.m. till 18 p.m. This year, the International Women's Club of Montenegro, with the logistical support of Delta City, will raise money for humanitarian purposes by selling their handicrafts. With it they will also present the countries they are coming from.
According to Zorica Mišković-Pavićević, director of shopping center Delta City, this year's bazaar is special because they asked the embassies to submit proposals which institution they think the money should be collected for. Prior to this, Board of directors of The International Women’s Club of Montenegro (IWCM) was deciding on that on the basis of applications they received. Therefore, the decision was made that the fund would go to the Children's Home ,,Mladost” in Bijela, the Daily Center for children with developmental disabilities at the Stari Aerodrom, and part of the money will be directed to primary schools ,,Radojica Perović” and ,,Oktoih” , as well as kindergarten ,,Sunce” for the purchase of didactic funds.
In this year’s event 21 embassies will take part, as well as TV Vijesti, Crnogorski Telekom and Njegoš Foundation.
There are many novelties and the offer will be interesting and diverse.
The President of the International Women’s Club of Montenegro Aylin Galip, who has been holding this position for two years, announced that there will be specialties, scarves, souvenirs from Cappadocia, puppets and, of course, baklava on the Turkish table.
Aynur Mirzazada said that the Azerbaijani stand will feature sweets, sarma, while baklava will be served with their specific local teas.
There will be many specialties; already around 60 exhibiting tables are booked. To the visitors, they recommend that they are sure to taste olives, olive oil and cheese from the Greek table. Apart from their specialties, Italian will cook coffee and pasta directly at their stand. They are not the only one who will show their culinary skills in front of visitors. Americans will also, apart from meals that this nation is famous for, have large number of books. After three years, the French are back at the Bazaar. Mišković -Pavićević singled out an extraordinary team of ladies from Germany, Austria and China. Representatives of Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Korea, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Palestine, Hungary, Croatia and Czech Republic will also take place. Ukraine will participate for the first time this year.
There will also be the lottery within Bazaar. Every lottery ticket costs 2,50 euros and each will be a winner. Main prizes are mobile phones, lap tops and overnight stays at the hotel. Apart from the main lottery, there will be small, individual ones, at some stands.
This year the Diplomatic charity bazaar will be opened by the mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vuković. The invitation has been served to him.
During the Bazaar, there will be cultural and artistic program that will be held at 12 o’clock. The participants are Ballet school ,,Bazar”, pre-school and elementary school – United kids international Montenegro and tambourine men from Croatia, organized by their embassy.
This year the International Women’s Club of Montenegro will have a new logo that was made by their member from the British embassy Elizabeth Vesseg. New member of the International Women’s Club of Montenegro Miriam Mainka, who participated this week in the afforestation campaign in Bijelo Polje, is organizing free gifts for visitors consisted of 100 young seedlings, which the receivers will be able to plant wherever they want.
The offer at the Bazaar will include handmade jewelry crafted by the women from the Club. The jewelry comes as the result of the meetings at Mrs. Aylin’s home every Thursday. They otherwise sell it and donate money for charity.
On the International table there will be famous cashmere shawls from Mongolia.
Let us remind you, the Board of International Women’s Club of Montenegro consists of: Aylin Galip, President, Zorica Mišković-Pavićević, Vice president, members Enisa Đokaj, PR and PR coordinators Emira Larson and Anela Paparević-Felegyhazi and member of support Maja Dajković. According to the Statute of this organization, members are women from abroad and only 15 percent, that is, three women, can be from Montenegro. This year as well volunteers can apply to help at the Bazaar, and so far, it was done so by students from the University of Donja Gorica.
Twenty-four thousand people visited Christmas Bazaar last year, 18.151 euros was raised for the Center for Autism. A year earlier, that figure was 29.024 euros.
M. Sekulić
Photo: Jovana&Đorđe
B. Šekularac