Vina Pesic

ZHANG YALI, DIRECTOR OF ,,KINA MEDIKA“: We have recognized the potential Montenegro has in medical tourism

Zhang Yali

Zhang Yali, director of Specialist clinic ,,Kina Medika“ in Podgorica speaks for MNE magazin about the project in the field of medical tourism in Montenegro, the promotion of Chinese medicine through tourist offer and cooperation with the company Fly Montenegro Travel.

,,Kina Medika” had signed the Memorandum of cooperation with Fly Montenegro Travel in the field of medical tourism. What motivated you to get involved in the affirmation of this segment of tourism in Montenegro?

– Above all, healthy lifestyle and careful diet, as well as physical readiness are the trends that are increasingly spreading on the global level. From organic food to organic cosmetics and drugs, back to nature is something that is being emphasized in the last few years all over the world. In that sense Montenegro has extraordinary potential, which we recognized long ago. In line with these movements and trends in the market, I believe that Montenegro can certainly become a tourist destination of your dreams, when it comes to medical and wellness tourism. Chinese medicine, in that sense, makes a very unique item in the tourist offer of Montenegro, which distinguishes that country in the region and beyond. An additional motive in promoting Chinese medicine through fields of tourism for me is the immense love I have for my culture and the great desire to promote China outside its borders in the best way possible, because Chinese medicine is one of the foundations on which rests the rich Chinese culture and tradition.

When signing the contract, you said that you will ,,paint the tourist offer of Montenegro in a special way.” What does that mean specifically?

– There is no service for treatment and therapy in the field of traditional Chinese medicine as a form of a tourist arrangement in the neighboring countries and the rest of Europe. It is possible that in some resorts there are specific treatments of massage and acupuncture, practiced by local medical workers. However, Montenegro will be the only destination among its competitors in tourism, where Chinese specialist doctors of traditional Chinese medicine will come from the most prestigious universities of China and therefore provide the best and most professional treatment to all tourists, who pay special attention to preserving health during their holidays.

What do you think that should be offered to tourists in order for them to choose Montenegro as a holiday destination?

– Like in all other areas, such is in tourism – successful are those who are different and recognizable, and who offer something that others do not. I think that Montenegro should not copy other tourist destinations in Europe, but develop something that is unique and distinctive for that country. Of course one should always be up-to-date with current trends in the global market, because that way better tourist offer is created. Through such kind of analysis, we have recognized the global trend in practicing healthy lifestyles around the world and included traditional Chinese medicine in the tourist offer of Montenegro, because it makes it different and more appealing as destination. The thing that often plays a crucial role when it comes to choosing a destination is courtesy of tourist workers and the quality of the offer, therefore it is necessary to always keep quality high and meet the expectations. We hope that during the upcoming tourist season success of this important project will be shown.

 Do you already have concrete ,,packages” that will be offered to tourists?

– In cooperation with our partner on this project, company Fly Montenegro Travel, which has been recognized in the region as one of the leaders in its field and which, I must add, was the first one who brought Chinese tourists to Montenegro, we are currently actively working on creating as richer travel packages and offers as we can. Tourists from Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet Union republics have been familiar with Chinese medicine for a long time and they often use it in treatment, so we are sure that these offers and treatment packages will be particularly interesting and attractive to their tourists.

What are your expectations from the tourist season?

– I expect a very successful and good tourist season, which will further stimulate the development of Montenegro, and it will be our honour and pleasure if during that path we give our modest contribution.


Photo: B Šekularac