,,KINA MEDIKA”: With massage and acupuncture against stress

Dr Huang Shile, doctor of Specialist clinic ,,Kina Medika” in Podgorica speaks for MNE magazin about stress, one of the most common health problems today. How stress is cured in ,,Kina Medika”, which methods are considered best in treatment of stress, are men or women more under stress, are some of the questions dr Huang Shile gives the answers to.
– There are many ways by which one can relieve the stress, therefore in ,,Kina Medika” we usually use methods such as massage, acupuncture, vacuum jars, aromatherapy, even form of therapeutic conversation. We also always recommend regular physical activity to our patients – says dr Huang Shile.

Dr Huang Shile

He reminds us that stress is psychological reaction and that today every person is faced with some form of stress in one’s life.
– If it causes physical discomfort then it can be called a disease that should be treated adequately and pharmaceutically. My personal opinion is that, using the above mentioned methods, as well as through casual conversation, performance of various exercises, listening to music and the like, it can to a certain degree have beneficial effect on stress without invasive therapy. Stress can be cured by taking into consideration two aspects – the first is finding the cause of stress and eliminating it, and the second one is turning stress into motivation. For example, if you wish to be successful and that causes pressure on you and creates stress, you must be able to turn that stress into a strong motivation and dedication and achieve success through that. That way stress will naturally disappear – says our interviewee.
He says that, based on previous experiences and consultations regarding some form of treatment which helps to relieve stress, it seems that women in Montenegro are suffering more from it than men.
Speaking of prevention, dr Huang Shile says that prevention is mainly based on making yourselves mentally stronger.
– No matter which part stress comes from it is necessary to face it bravely and if you accept it and confront your difficulties and setbacks in life and work in the right way, you will be able to solve numerous problems. Certain teas (combination of various plants) have calming effect, so stress can be relieved that way as well. But, as problem often comes from the inside, we must try our best to approach elimination of causes of stress from more angles so that the effect can be complete – suggests dr Huang Shile.