Vina Pesic

DR QIAN JUNHUI FROM ,,KINA MEDIKA“: Treatment with Chinese herbs has clear visible effects


Dr Qian Junhui

Therapies with medicinal herbs represent unique and distinctive treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and this is what certainly separates it from western medicine. In specialist clinic ,,Kina Medika” in Podgorica therapy with medicinal herbs is applied and they offer patients high-quality herbal medicines imported into Montenegro according to all European standards. Dr Qian Junhui speaks for MNE magazin about the treatment with herbs, the effects of this therapy and its recipes.
Our interviewee comes from the city of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. She graduated from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chengdu, where she continued master studies in the field of Chinese medicine. Dr Qian has 15 years of experience in clinical work. Her mentor, prof. Luo Caigua, was a doctor of former South African President Nelson Mandela. Dr Qian uses herbs, acupuncture and massage in the treatment of persistent pain in the cervical and lumbar spine, the pain of the upper and lower extremities, consequences of cerebrovascular accident, as well as in the regulation of hypertension, high cholesterol and blood glucose values and ultimately the prevention of further complications, in order to preserve health and strengthen the body.
kina-medical_11Offer of specialist clinics ,,Kina Medika” contains also treatment with herbs. What is the goal of this therapy and what are the effects?
– The Chinese had been engaged in the study of herbs and their medicinal effects for several thousand years. Composition of Chinese medicines mainly is of plant origin. Specifically, it consists of roots, stems, leaves and fruit of different species of plants. Following the understanding of Chinese medicine, human health is closely related to the dismissal of the day and night and seasonal changes in nature. All this has a big impact on disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, so the diseases that are usually worsen in the winter, such as asthma, start to be treated in the summer. This is the way the body recovers and returns to the balance of yin and yang. The effects of treatment are in most cases clearly visible, so we would just separate one patient as an example. She was two years in a wheelchair following cerebrovascular accident, and after only one month of treatment with Chinese medicinal herbs in our clinic she got up from it. Her general condition and way of thinking were significantly improved.
In which cases therapy with Chinese medicinal herbs has the strongest effect?
– Therapy with Chinese medicinal herbs and teas have the best effect in patients with sore neck and back pain and rheumatoid arthritis, followed by patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia and others. Also, the therapy is very effective in cases of chronic diseases, facial paralysis, bronchitis, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, cardiovascular disease, diabetes. We can specifically emphasize so called ,,male” and ,,female” diseases such as prostatitis, impotence, infertility, menstrual disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and other diseases, the treatment for which the Chinese preparations had also shown good results.
,,Kina Medika”, among other procedures, is specific for herbal pharmacy which houses 175 species of herbal teas. What recipe are they prepared with?
– Our clinic can really boast of a large range of top quality herbal medicines, imported into Montenegro according to all European standards. We must emphasize that this is only a small fraction of drugs that normally exist in China's human medicine and pharmacology, as well as that we had chosen the mentioned products in accordance with the analysis of the most common ailments and diseases typical for this area. After reviewing the patient and detailed diagnosis, we determine the most effective therapy and combination of those natural products that will in the best way remove the discomfort and help the patient, and then we prepare the medicament. The drug is a combination of a large number of plant elements that are prepared by certain rules and order in high technology apparatus, after which the drug is ready for use. Depending on the clinical presentation of the patient and of the proposed treatment, the parameters for the preparation of a medicament are set, such as scale and the relationship of different ingredients, the temperature and time duration of making tea and so forth.
Each patient is a ,,story for himself”. In the therapy with medicinal herbs, do you insist on individuality, that is, are the teas prepared specifically for each patient?
– Exactly. One of the biggest advantages of Chinese medicine is individual approach to each patient. Following the understanding of Chinese medicine, there is no panacea, nor a universal therapy that would suit all patients with the same or similar health problems. For this reason, each patient is treated individually and we create a unique therapy solely for him. We believe that only in this way the most complete and most comprehensive treatment can be provided, which will as quickly as possible restore the body's natural balance of yin and yang.
What are the body effects of teas for preserving health and nurturing life?
– As soon as we use only what nature gave us, it is certain that this will have a positive impact. Teas for nurturing life besides helping in the prevention of various diseases, have a very positive effect on achieving a youthful appearance, a healthy way of thinking and even achieving harmony of body and soul.
kina-medical_12Are the products you offer designed for all ages and are there, in some cases, contraindications?
– Therapy with Chinese medicinal herbs is absolutely intended for all ages. If they are taken rationally and with the direction of physicians, there are no contraindications and side effects.
Is combination of natural medicines and medication therapy practiced in some cases?
– In our ambulance, we offer only treatment with purest and most natural Chinese medicinal herbs and teas.
The project of planting and processing of Chinese medicinal herbs in Montenegro with the support of the Government of the People's Republic of China and Montenegro is announced. When you are planning to start the project and how long will it take to be realized?
– Recently, in the Latvian capital Riga at the Summit of Heads of Central and Eastern Europe and China a memorandum of cooperation in the field of planting and processing of Chinese medicinal herbs was signed. Now the project is in its earliest stage, when Chinese and Montenegrin sides negotiate the details and models of cooperation, so it is too early to disclose information on the project. In any case, we are convinced that such a big project, with the support of both governments, will have a major impact on the development of agribusiness in Montenegro, offer new jobs and make Montenegro unique and recognizable in all of Europe for its production of healthy foods and excellent cooperation with Chinese partners.
Photo: B. Šekularac